What is counselling?

Counselling is a safe space for people to explore their feelings without judgement and shame. A counsellors role is to facilitate that space to help a client process what they feel they need to bring, and work with them to discover new ways of being out in the world. The theraputic relationship is a collaborative one, meaning both client and counsellor working together to make sense of what the client is bringing to the sessions in a transparent and congruent way.

What is Gestalt Counselling?

It’s a type of Counselling that considers you as your whole self and explores how past events and experiences are impacting you in the here and now.

I work with imagery, metaphor and creative matierals, which can be useful when words don’t come easily and it can help to bring new things into your awareness.

I will be there with you in your process to help explore these feelings without judgement or expectation.

‘Gestalt’ is working in there ‘here and now’ and considers a person to be “more than the sum of its parts”, meaning it considers people holistically in full acceptance of what makes them as a whole person.

It may be that this way of working is not what you feel you need, and that is ok. Everyone is different and acceptance of self is part of the counselling process. We will work together to establish what works best for you, and is something we start to explore from our very first session.

Areas I work in:


Affairs and betrayls

Anger management


Behaviour problems



Carer support

Children’s Counselling

Childhood bereavement

Childhood bullying

Children’s learning difficulties

Chronic fatigue syndrome/ME

Chronic pain


Depression and anxiety in children




Domestic violence

Emotional abuse

Family issues

Feeling sad

Generalised anxiety disorder

Health anxiety

High sensitivity


Learning difficulties

LGBTQIA+ Counselling


Low self-confidence

Low self-esteem


Panic attacks


Pregnancy and birth

Relationship problems

Season affective disorder


Separation and divorce


Social anxiety



Suicidal thoughts


Work-related stress

Young carers


Am I the right counsellor for you?

It’s important to me that any client, whether that be yourself or your child, feel comfortable with me. I offer a free 30 minute consultation via phone, Zoom or in your home (dependant on location) in which we will explore what you may want to bring to counselling, how I work and what we can both expect from eachother should we start working together. It’s also a good opportunity for you or your child to ask me any questions.